August 3, 2013


    CheNa giving free haircuts to the

    homeless at Soup Kitchen Wednesdays.


    People are different during Ramadhan.

    Granted, some things we do do not last

    throughout the year, but knowing this

    happens at least 30 days out of 365 is

    still a sign of heartwarming goodwill.


    God bless you, CheNa.



    The family came over today to merendang.

    Mishaps abounded but dude, seriously,

    I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. 


    Volunteered to be Rumah Merendang for

    many, many years to come, God willing.


    Today was wonderful pleased



    To top it all off? Terawih outside under 

    sky tonight with Kakna and The Niece.

    After the first four Ize turned to me

    and said, “Maksu. There’s a butterfly

    on your head.” Freaked out at all things

    creepy crawly/flying I swatted it away

    and it flitted to the top of Izelea’s head.


    Throughout the rest of terawih the little

    dude kept flying back and forth between

    the two of us. We either smelled really 

    good or had some sort of magnetic

    moth-attracting scent emanating

    from our telekungs, but it was nice

    company to have during prayers. 


    Little signs.


    We all hugged a beat longer tonight. 


    Thank You for this month.


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